Volume 3
Issue 1
- Cultivating a Seedling Charter: South Africa's Court Grows Its Constitution
- Toward a South African Administrative Justice Act
- Watching the Watchdog: Security Oversight Law in the New South Africa
- Moving from Colonias to Comunidades: A Proposal for New Mexico to Revisit the Installment Land Contract Debate
- Moving Ground, Breaking Traditions: Tasha's Chronicle
- South Africa's Amnesty Process: A Viable Route Toward Truth and Reconciliation
Issue 2
- "Reverse Discrimination" and Higher Education Faculty
- Ua Mau Ke Ea O Ka Aina I Ka Pono:Voting Rights and the Native Hawaiian Sovereignty Plebiscite
- Affirmative Action: Where is it Coming from and Where is it Going?
- Striking the Rock: Confronting Gender Equality in South Africa
- Children's Rights and Family Autonomy in the South African Context: A Comment on Children's Rights Under the Final Constitution
- Can Money Whiten? Exploring Race Practice in Colonial Venezuela and Its Implications for Contemporary Race Discourse
- Listen
- Breaking into the Academy: The 1998-2000 Michigan Journal of Race & Law Guide for Aspiring Law Professors