Volume 1
Issue 1
- Can Minority Voting Rights Survive Miller v. Johnson
- Identifying the Harm in Racial Gerrymandering Claims
- Stepping into the Projects: Lawmaking, Storytelling, and Practicing the Politics of Identification
- The O.J. Simpson Verdict: A Lesson in Black and White
- The Evolution of Race in the Law: The Supreme Court Moves from Approving Internment of Japanese Americans to Disapproving Affirmative Ation for African Americans
- The Empitness of Majority Rule
Issue 2
- The Two-Parent Family in the Liberal State: The Case for Selective Subsidies
- Breaking into the Acadamy: The 1996-97 Michigan Journal of Race & Law Guide for Aspiring Law Professors
- The Color of Truth: Race and the Assessment of Credibility
- The Social Construction of Identity in Criminal Cases: Cinema Verité and the Pedagogy of Vincent Chin