Going Back to Class: The Reemergence of Critical Race Theory (2005)
Commemorating the Journal’s 10th Anniversary
February 4–5, 2005
Download the Symposium Brochure
Friday, February 4, 2005
4:00 Registration begins
5:00 p.m. Opening Keynote Address
Richard Delgado, Professor of Law and Derrick Bell Fellow
University of Pittsburgh School of Law
Saturday, February 5, 2005
8:15-9:00 a.m. Registration and Breakfast
9:00 a.m. Morning Address
Guy-Uriel Charles, Russel M. and Elizabeth M. Bennett Professor of Law
University of Minnesota Law School
9:15 a.m. Panel I:
New Directions: The Future of Critical Race Theory
Robert S. Chang, Professor of Law and J. Rex Dibble Fellow Loyola Law School
Loyola Marymount University
Emily M.S. Houh, Associate Professor of Law
University of Cincinnati College of Law
Kevin R. Johnson, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, School of Law
Mabie/Apallas Professor of Public Interest Law and Chicana/o Studies
University of California, Davis School of Law
Rebecca Tsosie, Lincoln Professor of Native American Law and Ethics
Executive Director, Indian Legal Program
Arizona State University
Moderator: Martha S. Jones, Assistant Professor, Department of History,
Center for Afroamerican and African Studies and,
School of Law University of Michigan
11:00 a.m. Panel II:
Beyond the Law: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Race and Class
Lawrence D. Bobo, Professor of Sociology and Director,
Center for Comparative Study of Race and Ethnicity
Stanford University
Jennifer L. Hochschild, Henry LaBarre Jayne Professor of Government and
Professor of African and African American Studies
Harvard University
Charles W. Mills, Professor, Department of Philosophy
University of Illinois at Chicago
E. San Juan, Jr., Director
Philippines Cultural Studies Center, Connecticut
Moderator: Kevin K. Gaines, Associate Professor, Department of History
and Center for Afroamerican and African Studies
University of Michigan
12:30 p..m. Lunch
2:00 p.m. Panel III:
Redefining the Movement: Class in Critical Race Theory
Paul Butler,Professor of Law
George Washington University Law School
Anthony Paul Farley, Associate Professor of Law
Boston College Law School
Daria Roithmayr, Associate Professor of Law
University of Illinois College of Law
Chantal Thomas, Professor of Law
Fordham University School of Law
Moderator: Jean Stefancic, Research Professor of Law and Derrick Bell Scholar
University of Pittsburgh School of Law
4:00 p.m. Panel IV:
Incorporating Class: Race, Class, and Intersectionality
Richard Banks, Professor of Law and Justin M. Roach, Jr. Faculty Scholar
Stanford Law School
Angela P. Harris, Professor of Law
University of California-Berkeley School of Law (Boalt Hall)
Darren Hutchinson, Professor of Law
American University, Washington College of Law
Angela Onwuachi-Willig, Acting Professor of Law
University of California-Davis School of Law
Moderator: Maria E. Cotera, Assistant Professor,
American Culture/Latino Studies, Women’s Studies
University of Michigan
6:30 p.m. Dinner Banquet
Campus Inn
Closing Keynote Address
Gerald Torres, H.O. Head Centennial Professor in Real Property Law
University of Texas at Austin School of Law
University of Michigan Law School
Community Service Commission, Michigan Student Assembly
Student Academic Multicultural Initiatives, University of Michigan
University of Michigan Office of the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs
University of Michigan Office of Academic Multicultural Initiatives
Institute for the Humanities, University of Michigan
University of Michigan School of Social Work
Center for Afroamerican and African Studies University of Michigan
University of Michigan Institute for Research on Woman and Gender
Women’s Studies Program, University of Michigan
University of Michigan Office of the President
University of Michigan College of Literature, Science and the Arts
Lexis Nexis